Are you CBAM ready? Understand its impacts on trade, emissions, & your business.
Credibl ESG Data Reporting Software Logo Inverse

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Product Features

Customizable Reporting

Easily customizable slice & dice report templates to match your brand identity and highlight the ESG data most relevant to your stakeholders.

Interactive Dashboards

Interactive dashboards allow you to drill into metrics and track progress toward goals with dynamic charts and graphs.

Real-Time Data Monitoring

Continuously track and monitor ESG performance across various metrics with real-time updates and stay ahead of your competitors.

One-click Report Creation

Create TCFD, GRI, SASB, CSRD, SFDR and other reports with a single click that compile relevant metrics into professional, branded templates.

Strategic Alignment with Stakeholders

Engage and align with stakeholders through ESG Reporting & Dashboards, presenting clear information that fosters collaboration toward shared sustainability goals.

Security and Compliance 

Maintain ESG data integrity and confidentiality with our SOC2 and ISO 27001 certified system adhering to strict compliance standards.

Strategy and Execution

Alignment with Organizational Goals

Ensure that ESG Reporting & Dashboards are aligned with your organization's overall mission, vision, and sustainability goals.

Regular Monitoring & Analysis

Continuously evaluate performance against benchmarks and targets by implementing regular monitoring and analysis of ESG data through dashboards.

Ensure Compliance & Transparency

Build reporting strategies that comply with relevant legal and industry standards and promote transparency in order to enhance credibility.

Why Credibl?

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Reduced carbon emissions by 15%
0 %
Increased renewable energy usage by 30%
0 %
Diverted 75% of waste from landfills
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Achieved 90% pay equity between genders
ESG data represents one of the greatest opportunities in the history of capital markets to gain deeper insight into the proper drivers of long-term value.
- Robert G. Eccles, Professor of Management Practice, SaĂ¯d Business School, University of Oxford

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